Collection: Bull Shark

Shark Life has a deep respect for the unique Bull Shark.

The bull shark is a predatory species that lives in coastal seas and is the shark with the best ability to move into freshwaters – particularly large, coastal rivers and lakes. They are able to move back and forth between saltwater and freshwater with ease. This behavior brings them into more contact with humans than most species of sharks, and they are therefore responsible for fatally biting more people than any other species.

Reaching lengths of 11 feet and weights up to nearly 700 pounds 

2 products

Shark Life has a deep respect for the unique Bull Shark.

The bull shark is a predatory species that lives in coastal seas and is the shark with the best ability to move into freshwaters – particularly large, coastal rivers and lakes. They are able to move back and forth between saltwater and freshwater with ease. This behavior brings them into more contact with humans than most species of sharks, and they are therefore responsible for fatally biting more people than any other species.

Reaching lengths of 11 feet and weights up to nearly 700 pounds